Blockchain Technology for Good

In general, accepting fiat money for donations is much more convenient for everyone, younger and older donors. I am skeptical about someone’s proclivity to donate increasing just from accepting cryptocurrency. However, if a new NGO decides to create their own economic ecosystem and run their budget in cryptocurrency, that may appeal to the millennial generation that’s in general mistrustful of non-profits. Public blockchain achieves total transparency and allows to see the impact of each and single dollar or Bitcoin donated by the individual. Also, there’s another aspect of cryptocurrency non-profits can benefit from, and specifically from the type of cryptocurrency called utility token. While Bitcoin is considered a security, utility tokens serve a bigger purpose than transactions between the parties. They are basically programmable money and they transfer information. NGOs can create systems in which certain actions of individuals such as volunteering PR helping other community members, donating items or even money can be motivated by tokens. You can embed the good into the money.